🙋 WTM Taipei | Tech Breakfast - 需求風暴,我該如何接招? 🧁
Women Techmakers Taipei 誠摯邀請您參加我們的 Tech Breakfast!
歡迎任何職場角色從不管公司內部或客戶端的需求,一同參與Tech Breakfast。
📅 Event Info:
- Event Date:8/24/2024 (Sat)
- Event Time: 09:40- 12:30
- Check-in: 09:40 - 09:45
- Location: Happ. 小樹屋 - 紅豆杉 304
(Google Map 捷運北門站 3 號出口,步行 10 分鐘) - Primary Language: Chinese
- Contact Info: 加入 Messager 以方便聯絡、了解更多資訊。
🎟 Ticket Info :
- Venue Fee: NTD 300/person, Pay in cash 需支付場地費 $300/人;現場繳交
- Notice: If you are late to the meetup, we still change you at the same amount. 遲到/晚到一律收取費用。
- We regret to inform you that this event does not offer invoice issuance. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. 本次活動不提供發票開立,盡請見諒。
👽 Target Audience :
- 👉 對此內容感興趣 If you are interested in the topic, join us!
- 👉 職稱例如: 工程師, PM, 設計師, 業務, C-Levels... 等 Welcome all professionals such as designers, developers, managers, sales, C-Levels, etc.
📝 Prepare before you come to the event:
- 請帶至少一個目前讓你很煩惱關於需求的事件。
Please bring at least one current issue related to requirements in the product development phase. - 或你覺得很值得分享的需求經驗。(正、負面經驗皆可)
Or a shareable experience related to requirements in the product development phase.
🎁 Gift :
- ✅ 學習新技術與知識 Learn new tech knowledge.
- ✅ 認識一起在科技與非科技領域打拼的朋友們 Make new friends.
- ✅ 交流彼此的經驗 Learn from each other and share experiences.
🚨 Notice :
- 現場提供飲水機,需自備飲用水容器。(記得多喝水,夏天好熱💧)
- A water dispenser will be available on-site. Please bring your own water container.
- 活動不提供餐點與飲品,如需可自行準備早餐至現場享用,但需自行帶走垃圾。🥤
No food or drinks provided. You may bring your breakfast, but please take your trash with you. - 此活動為實體活動,活動當天不會有線上直播。
All events are in person. - 🚨 報名後未出現者,任一場 WTM 活動達三次以上列入黑名單! 倘若未能前往參與活動,請釋出善意,釋出您手上的票券讓他人參與! 感恩!
If you can't make it, please release your ticket to people who want to join.
📮 Terms and Conditions :
The host reserves the right to change the agenda, the actual schedule will be announced on the event day. 主辦單位保留變更議程之權利,實際議程以活動當日公告為主。
📮 Policy :
本活動支持「多元、平等與共融 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI)」思維與行動,旨在促進所有人的多元文化如種族、宗教、認知、身體不便之人、性別和少數民族 (Underrepresented Groups) 等不同背景的我們如何平等且公平的對待他人,尊重對方也相互連接和被共融。因此請帶著尊重彼此、友善與同理心前來參與。活動過程中請遵守我們的「行為守則」,謝謝您的支持與參與!
- 👉 為保護您與他人的健康,請參加者務必自行準備醫療級 (外科) 口罩,利人利己。
- 👉 若體溫超過 37.5 ℃,或有咳嗽、頭痛、喉嚨痛、流鼻水、疲倦或全身痠痛等類流感症狀,請您在家休息。
- 👉 請至少 7 天後在前往參與活動。
“For your safety and the safety of others, if you are not feeling well, please at least do NOT attend events for 7 days.“
🎫 Upcoming Event
- 2024/9/21(SAT) Inclusive Design
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